Transformational sales growth

Are you looking to achieve one or more of these goals?

  • Aggressively grow revenue / profit
  • Ramp up new products / services fast
  • Sell across your whole portfolio
  • Gain consistency and repeatability across whole (global) sales team
  • Change your customer base – new markets, new customer profiles
  • Increase overall customer spend / average deal size / annuity revenues

Working harder and smarter are not enough to be successful in today’s technology sales world. Many sales teams comprise good people wanting to succeed but old habits die hard, especially when they are reinforced by systems and cultures which don’t reward the right behaviours. It’s not enough to deliver a generic training hit or adjust compensation plans and targets, you need to drive a new sales culture and a more scalable approach to winning business.

Our proven Reach Higher programmes transform your sales teams to meet the rapidly changing needs and buying behaviours of customers.

These tailored, global, real-world sales programmes

  • Address your specific goals and needs with clear measurable outcomes and ROI metrics
  • Develop consistency and repeatability across the salesforce to focus resources where you will gain the best return
  • Embed long-term change so you keep reaping the rewards long after the programme ends
  • Focus specifically on the IT sector go-to-market models with deep industry sales knowledge and experience
  • Deliver a proven and practical framework to influence the customer’s buying process and win against your competitors
  • Align to your operations, processes, CRM, forecasts and systems to integrate with and enhance internal processes

Programmes consist of a tailored combination of:

  • Training and enablement needs analysis to gain clarity on the goals and metrics we need to address
  • Consultancy to map your framework & align with systems and processes to make new behaviours ‘business as usual’
  • Interactive, practical on-demand and classroom training that is immediately applied to make a difference to real accounts
  • One-to-one coaching to support sales people to apply learning to their accounts
  • Leadership coaching and support to embed change
  • Measurement of behavioural and business outcomes to demonstrate ROI

Learn about the themes making the biggest difference for our clients in our latest blog